Alena Vránová with HCPP 2020 and the Europe Warning on Liberty

Alena Vránová with HCPP 2020 and The Europe Warning on Liberty - The Tatiana Show Ep. 276

Alena Vránová joins Tatiana & Josh to talk about Hackers Conference Paralelni Polis 2020, taking place October 2-4 in Prague. The conference features tons of keynotes and workshops about cryptoeconomics, hacking, technology & more, and is available to attend online.

Alena Vránová joins the program to talk HCPP 2020, Europe's ongoing struggle against totalitarianism, and what the US and world can do to fight authoritarianism with decentralization.

Alena Vránová joins Tatiana & Josh to talk about Hackers Conference Paralelni Polis 2020, taking place October 2-4 in Prague. The conference features tons of keynotes and workshops about cryptoeconomics, hacking, technology & more, and is available to attend online.

The hosts & Alena then have a very enlightening discussion on the topic of tyranny, especially with Tatiana’s family, Josh, and Alena residing in nations that have historically experienced the full spectrum of authoritarianism. They compare and contrast fascism & communism and explain why both represent the same type of tyranny, merely scaled differently. They talk about authoritarianism during COVID-19 and why the US especially needs to be wary of falling into the same traps as its European cousins. Josh & Alena also reveal how the spirits of old totalitarianism still survive where they live in Germany & the Czech Republic.

About the Guest:
Alena Vránová develops early-stage ideas into successful products and services. Her track record includes 10 years and several successful startups in traditional finance, insurance, and technology. The 2008 crisis brought her to study Diplomacy with a focus on history, geopolitics, and international monetary system – which led to her personal discovery and fascination with Bitcoin in its early years. In 2013 she joined the Bitcoin revolution fulltime and founded SatoshiLabs (Trezor) – one of the most successful Bitcoin companies to date. She worked with several projects in the Bitcoin space, including at Casa as Head of Strategy and co-authored The Little Bitcoin Book – Why Bitcoin Matters for Your Freedom, Finances and Future. First published in August 2019, with strong community support the tiny book is being translated to many languages. Some are made available for free download at

Alena’s current focus is to help people achieve more personal sovereignty, better security and privacy online – through education and making cryptographic and censorship-resistant tools easier to use. For the upcoming #HCPP20 at Paralelni Polis, she curated The Personal Sovereignty Workshop stage (

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More Info:
Tatiana Moroz
Crypto Media Hub
HCPP 2020

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Proof of Love
Global Crypto Advisors

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