All About Food with Liz Reitzig of Grassfed on the Hill

TTS 256 All About Food with Liz Reitzig

Mom, business owner, and food rights activist Liz Reitzig returns to The Tatiana Show and shares how the birth of her oldest child led her on the journey to source healthy food and, ultimately, become an advocate for decentralized distribution of farm fresh goods.

Mom, business owner, and food rights activist Liz Reitzig returns to the Tatiana show and shares how the birth of her oldest child led her on the journey to source healthy food and, ultimately, become an advocate for decentralized distribution of farm fresh goods.

Liz shares tons of valuable information on topics ranging from  raw milk and how pasteurization may relate to lactose intolerance to the food chain supply and distribution disruptions during the COVID-19 outbreak and how addressing food waste could mitigate shortages.

Tatiana and Liz go on to discuss organizations that support both urban and traditional farming, Governor Whitmer’s seed ban in Michigan, the USDA monopoly on portioned meat production and the PRIME Act, the easiest foods to grow in urban environments, and how to connect with local fresh food producers.

We hope you took notes!


About the Guests:
Liz Reitzig owns and operates Grassfed On The Hill, a local foods buying club that serves the greater Washington DC metro area. The buying club was started in 2007 to serve Washingtonians with locally-sourced, farm fresh foods.

Liz works on food advocacy and legislation on the state and federal levels in favor of small farmers. Liz believes that we can change our communities for the better by focusing on our food systems.

She is raising 5 children to become well-fed, independent thinkers.


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More Info:
Grassfed on the Hill
Grassfed on the Hill on Facebook
1000 EcoFarms on Twitter

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Crypto Media Hub
Proof of Love

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