What’s the big deal about masks, anyway? Are they actually effective? Are they nothing more than a fashion statement? Or are they actively harmful to us? Allan Stevo joins Tatiana and Josh to talk about why he thinks we’d be better off without those little patches of cloth or paper that we’ve all been told are essential to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
About the Guest:
Allan Stevo is a founding member of the New York Bitcoin Center where he served as the head market maker during its early open outcry operations. In that capacity Stevo has appeared in some 200 international, national, and local media sources, among them CNN’s Inside Man with Morgan Spurlock, Bloomberg, Reuters, Huffington Post, and The Wall Street Journal’s Market Watch. Stevo organized the Schiff-Tucker Bitcoin debate between the two Austrian school brains, has been a founding member of several Bitcoin trade organizations, was an early organizer of the first Bitcoin Super PAC, and has organized fundraising events for Bitcoin friendly politicians. He is the editor of 52 Weeks in Slovakia and contributor to The Daily Caller, The Hill, Economic Policy Journal, and Mises.org. In Spring 2012, Stevo became a best-selling author with a book covering the nuts and bolts of winning a grass-roots political campaign. He lives and works in New York City.
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Tatiana Moroz – https://www.tatianamoroz.com
Crypto Media Hub – https://www.cryptomediahub.com
Vaultoro – https://www.vaultoro.gold/tatiana
Face Masks In One Lesson – https://www.amazon.com/Face-Masks-Lesson-Allan-Stevo/dp/1953847005/?tag=tatianashow-20
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Proof of Love – https://proofoflovecast.com
Global Crypto Advisors – http://globalcryptoadvisors.io
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A New Standard: Solving Inflation with DeFi with Joshua Scigala & Laurin Bylica of TheStandard.io
The Standard’s co-founders Joshua Scigala & Laurin Bylica join Tatiana to talk about the platform, how it came to be and why they believe it’s so crucial to the future of crypto!