Free Markets, Free Minds with Gene Epstein of The Soho Forum
Gene Epstein of The Soho Forum joins Tatiana to talk economics, philosophy and more!

The Pending Patent Problem with Stephan Kinsella & Jed Grant of the Open Crypto Alliance
Learn how the Open Crypto Alliance is fighting against patent trolls to keep the crypto and blockchain community open and free!

A Rebel Yell with Eric Hailar of the Rebel with a Cause Podcast
Eric Hailar joins the show for a chat about life, sci-fi, COVID and more!

Blackness & Liberty with Adam N. Williams
What is it really like being black in America? Adam Williams lived it, and he’s here to talk about it.

Gamestopocalypse: How Reddit Bankrupted a Hedge Fund with Mati Greenspan
Mati Greenspan joins the program to explain everything you wanted to know about the Gamestop short squeeze!

Securing Your Crypto with Ron Stoner
Hacker-turned-security consultant Ron Stoner joins the program to talk about the best ways to secure your most sensitive data!

Allan Stevo: Masks in One Lesson
Masks…are they a benefit? Allan Stevo joins the show to talk about it!

The Art of The Steal: Jason Rink’s Essential New Movie
Filmmaker Jason Rink joins the program to talk about his latest project, The Steal, and gives his perspective after being on the ground with the crowd at the Capitol on January 6.

Sovryn’s Edan Yago Challenges Your Ideas on Bitcoin
Sovryn’s Edan Yago joins the program for a preview & predictions of what’s to come in the world of bitcoin in 2021!

Insert Token: Blockchain & Tomorrow’s Gaming with Brave & Gala Games
Gala Games & Brave have joined forces to create a new universe of video game economics, and they’re here to tell Tatiana all about it!

The Rationality of Revolt with Peter R. Quinones
The Libertarian Institute’s Peter R. Quinones joins to discuss why America is due for another revolution.

Decrypting Christ’s Wisdom with Julia Tourianski
Julia Tourianski returns to the show to talk about her belief in Christ and the path that led her to the Orthodox faith, and why socialism & Christianity aren’t as compatible as some might claim.

The Power of AtomicDEX with Komodo’s Jason Brown
What happens when you combine atomic swaps & DEX, two of the hottest trends in crypto today? The newest project from the Komodo team!

What’s Next on the Horizen with Rob Viglione
Tatiana & Josh welcome Horizen Labs’ Rob Viglione back to the show to talk all the latest on the project!

Scott Horton is Telling it Straight from the Lone Star State
Journalist & activist Scott Horton joins the program to discuss how the Biden presidency will affect US foreign policy, debunk myths about a second US civil war, and more!

Conference Commentary with Connie Gallippi & Rodolfo Andragnes
A new conference is launching and another is moving on line, and we have the organizers on the show to talk about all about it…welcome Connie Gallippi with BitGive De-Phi 2020, and Rodolfo Andragnes from LABitConf!

The Politics of Fear with Bretigne Shaffer
Author & journalist Bretigne Shaffer joins Tatiana to talk about resisting fear-driven policy!

Incentivizing the Use of Blockchain with Grant Blaisdell
Grant Blaisdell joins the program to talks unique and cutting-edge uses for blockchain tech!