Make Way for BlockSpaces with Rosa Shores and Chris Tyler
BlockSpaces co-founder Rosa Shores and CTO Chris Tyler join Josh and Tatiana to share the evolution of BlockSpaces from a community participating in local meetups in the Tampa area to a powerhouse of enterprise development in the blockchain space.

Michael Maharrey with the Tenth Amendment Center
Author and liberty advocate Michael Maharrey joins the show and begins by explaining the goals and philosophy of the Tenth Amendment Center, where he serves

Michigan Under Siege with Kristen Meghan
Prepperpalooza guest and military veteran Kristen Meghan returns to the Tatiana Show to talk with Josh and Tatiana about the COVID-19 crisis, particularly in Michigan, in the context of her military and health freedom activism experience.

AMMA Co-founder Matt McKibbin & Soho Muse Co-founder Consuelo Vanderbilt Costin
AMMA’s Matt McKibbin & Soho Muse’s Consuelo Vanderbilt Costin join the program to talk wellness, cryptocurrency, music & more!

BitGive Founder Connie Gallippi: Giving with Crypto
BitGive founder Connie Gallippi joins Tatiana and Josh to share the ongoing COVID-19 relief efforts happening through BitGive’s donation platform, GiveTrack.

All About Food with Liz Reitzig of Grassfed on the Hill
Mom, business owner, and food rights activist Liz Reitzig returns to the Tatiana show and shares how the birth of her oldest child led her on the journey to source healthy food and, ultimately, become an advocate for decentralized distribution of farm fresh goods.

NH State Senate Candidate Carla Gericke & GIVE Nation Co-founder Alyze Sam
Liberty activist and NH state senate candidate Carla Gericke joins Tatiana and Josh in the first part of the show to discuss coronavirus response in

Steve Beauregard of GoCoin & Hugo Feiler of Minima Global
Today on The Tatiana Show, Tatiana & Josh chat with Minima Global Co-Founder and CEO Hugo Feiler about the company’s plan to bring Minima’s crypto network to mobile

Prepperpalooza, Part 2
You didn’t think we could fit all of the PREPPERPALOOZA fun into just one episode, did you? After a really informative kickoff on Part 1 of

Prepperpalooza, Part 1
The Tatiana Show goes full on prepper in this COVID-19 quarantine #Prepperpalooza episode. Tatiana and Josh are joined by Emily Chesher, Kevin McKernan of Medicinal Genomics, Lyn Ulbricht of Free Ross, Juan S

Luke Mulks of Brave Browser
Luke Mulks from the innovative new web browser, Brave, returns to The Tatiana Show. Brave, the privacy focused web browser, is on a mission is

Dionna Bailey of GoCoin and Nexus Kids
In dealing with the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, many businesses have been forced to shut down temporarily, schools have closed, and many are quarantined in their

Crypto Ambassador & Vlogger Lea Thompson, AKA “Girl Gone Crypto”
The lovely and entertaining Lea Thompson joins Tatiana and Josh on this episode of The Tatiana Show. Lea is the creative force behind Girl Gone

Crypto Artist DJ J Scrilla Returns
Josh is back with Tatiana to chat with our friend and returning guest, DJ J Scrilla on the latest episode of the Tatiana Show. Scrilla

On Location • ETH Denver: Jessica Levesque & Michael Perklin of the CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium and James Waugh of Enigma
Tatiana comes to you from the ETH Denver conference, the world’s largest hackathon for Ethereum and other blockchain protocol enthusiasts, designers, and developers. In a

Podcaster & Blockchain Consultant Kenn Bosak
On a special combo cast of The Tatiana Show and Hodlcast with Sasha Hodler, we sat down with Kenn Bosak at the North American Bitcoin

Dr. Victoria Jones, Author of “Truth Decay: How Bitcoin Fixes This”
With the 2020 elections looming, a major debate topic between the candidates will for certain be healthcare. Several of the nominees have proposed government run

Jeff Deist of the Mises Institute
On this episode of The Tatiana Show, we welcome fellow promoter and defender of liberty, Jeff Deist. Jeff is the president of the Mises Institute,