Arry Yu of the Cascadia Blockchain Council & Washington Technology Industry Association
My first time in Seattle was made better by having an amazing opportunity to talk to the local Blockchain community about my work in music,

Thomas Hunt of Mad Bitcoins
Josh and I sat down with our good friend Thomas Hunt, the one man show responsible for the Mad Bitcoins videos we all love. Our

Kat Murti of Feminists for Liberty
In today’s episode of The Tatiana Show, I have a 1-on-1 discussion about abortion with Kat Murti of the Feminists for Liberty. Is it really

Joshua Scigala & Gabriel Escalona of Vaultoro
Josh and I sat down with Gabriel Escalona and talked about his native Venezuela. Though many of his family was able to leave the

Chuck Williams & Danny Sessoms of The Crypto Show
Chuck and Danny from The Crypto Show stopped by to chat with Josh and myself. The show has been on the air since 2013 and

Ford Fischer of News2Share
Before Josh and I sat down with Ford in this episode of the Tatiana Show, we caught up with Patrick from PorcFest. After we learned

Mark Edge of Free Talk Live
Josh and I sat down with Mark Edge from the popular radio show Free Talk Live. He has been a co-host for many years

Another Chat with Scott Horton of the Libertarian Institute & AntiWar.com
Even though a visit from Scott Horton can be a bit hard on the soul, it’s also quite invigorating to be armed with the

Another Chat with Bob Murphy of the Free Market Institute & Contra Krugman Podcast
Imagine you are a store owner who just sold $100 worth of items from your store, only to find out that the currency you received

Paul Puey of Edge Wallet
Tatiana and Josh had a great conversation with Paul Puey, founder of Edge Wallet and veteran crypto entrepreneur. His experience and insight is blazing trails

Music Journalist David Weiss of SonicScoop, “The Bitcoin Executor” Director Christopher Arcella, Bailey Reutzel of Moneytripping, and a Crypto Stars Preview
This was a great episode where we talk to some of the stars who will be performing at the upcoming Crypto Stars Event this Saturday!

Ryan Singer of Chia Network
Josh and I had a handful of guests our show, highlighted by our conversation with Ryan. First we sat down with comedian Mike Salvi, who

Peter Todd of Bitcoin Core
Read Transcript Here Peter Todd is a man known throughout the crypto community, and yet, barely has a bio listed about himself. He has been

Jonathan Kohn of Cripto Conserje
On this episode I spoke with Jonathan Kohn about the unbelievable work he is doing with Cripto Conserje down in Venezuela when they are educating

Doug Casey of the Casey Research Center
Tatiana and Josh are joined by Doug Casey of the Casey Research Center. Author of best selling books International Man and Crisis Investing, Doug discusses

Jess Mears, National Libertarian Party Membership Manager
It was such a pleasure talking to Jess, who talks about how she became involved with the Libertarian Party along with an increasing number of

Tim Picciott of Crypto Self Direct
On this episode we have Tim Picciott who is a wealth advisor and the founder of Crypto Self Direct. He joins us to discuss how

Giacomo Zucco of BHB Network & TheB
Ep. 189 Show Transcription Here Giacomo is a very respected member of the Bitcoin community, but I know him as a super funny guy that’s