Malcolm CasSelle of Worldwide Asset eXchange & OPSkins
One of the easiest and most widespread use cases for blockchain is through the creation of skins and other gaming assets. Wax has dominated

Hartej Sawhney of Hosho Group
Hartej and I have known each other for a few years now from the crypto scene. It’s been wonderful hanging out at different conferences

Anthem Blanchard of Anthem Vault
Anthem Blanchard and I have known each other for a very long time through the libertarian roots we share. He has been an early adopter

Emily Coleman of ShapeShift
Josh and I spoke to Emily about the evolution of ShapeShift over the past few years, to include their vision going forward. We also

Gene Epstein of the Soho Forum
Josh and I had an interesting conversation with Gene Epstein who hosts The Soho Forum, a monthly debate series held in Manhattan. It features topics

Musician & Activist Jordan Page Returns
Schaeffer Cox is a political prisoner, held in an illegal US prison called a CMU in Indiana. In 2011, he was convicted and sent to

Artist Maria Tokareva
A quick show about a new and unique artist I met with when down in Miami. She sells some of her work in crypto, but

Scott McRae & Ryan Rapsys of Music for Liberty
Scott and Ryan have been composing music together in the spirit of liberty since 2015. I was lucky enough to meet them along the way

Kirk Phillips, “The Bitcoin CPA”
I am excited to have Kirk Phillips on this episode, he has been a long time supporter of The Tatiana Show and has helped me

Matthew Zarracina of True Tickets
I met Matt Zarracina in Cleveland, for the Blockland conference a few months back. He has a really neat startup that helps transform the world

Caleb Slade of Salt
Caleb and Tatiana have hung out at several conferences before, and she’s been a big supporter of the SALT team early on. However, at the

Tron Black of Ravencoin
Tron Black is an interesting guy on the technical side who makes it easy to understand his technology. I really enjoyed hearing about the evolution

Daniel Mross of Altangent Labs & Blocktap.io
Daniel and his team have been hard at work on Blocktap.io at Altangent Labs, but not so busy that Daniel would miss Tone Vays’ Unconfiscatable

Blockchain Educator & Blogger Jimmy Song
Jimmy Song may be known for teaching people how to code and build Bitcoin. However, I know him as the guy who convinced me to

Washington Sanchez of Open Bazaar
The Miami conference had a lot of wonderful participants, but I got a bit more familiar with a project I had heard about for a

Crypto in Bermuda with Fintech Advisers Denis Pitcher & Wayne Smith
I went to Bermuda a few times as a kid, and I always remember the pink sand. Hearing about it from the local administration though,

Erick Pinos of the Blockchain Education Network
The Blockchain Education Network is an organization helping students interact with cryptocurrency for years now. Upon seeing Erick Pinos at the North American Bitcoin Conference

Marshall Hayner of Metal Pay
On my latest episode, I interview an old friend Marshall Hayner of MetalPay. I have known Marshall for ages, so I was very excited to