Following the Science with SoundMind Creative Group

Following the Science with SoundMind Creative Group

"Allen," "John" & "Matt" are production professionals with decades of experience in Hollywood, and they've seen firsthand how diversity of thought can get you punished, shunned, even blacklisted by the entertainment industry. Together, they've formed a new artist collective, SoundMind Creative Group, to help give a voice to those who have been marginalized and discredited simply because they have chosen to think differently from their industry peers.

The founders of a new filmmaking collective join the show to talk their pandemic documentary, "Follow the Science," as well as the pressure and difficulty of thinking outside the accepted space in Hollywood.

“Allen,” “John” & “Matt” are production professionals with decades of experience in Hollywood, and they’ve seen firsthand how diversity of thought can get you punished, shunned, even blacklisted by the entertainment industry. Together, they’ve formed a new artist collective, SoundMind Creative Group, to help give a voice to those who have been marginalized and discredited simply because they have chosen to think differently from their industry peers. They join the show today to talk about their first project, Follow the Science — a planned documentary series that investigates, with science and rationality, the true effects of the international response to the coronavirus pandemic, from the economic damage of forced lockdowns to the physical and emotional toll of isolation & mask mandates, and the ill-treatment of those who questioned the origins of the disease by the government and media.

Help Crowdfund the Documentary Series:
Cash Donations –
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About the Guests:
The SoundMind Creative Group is comprised of professional filmmakers of all types that share a passionate commitment to:

  • freedom of expression and the uninhibited exchange of ideas
  • a belief in objective reality as well as the essential subjective imagination of the artist
  • an understanding that the scientific method is a process of aiming to understand the world, not settled doctrine
  • the right of every person to live and pursue the best life they can imagine without forceful interference from any person, organization or government
  • the idea that decentralized knowledge and actions create a spontaneous and effective social order that best serves the interests of all individuals
  • an understanding that stories and various forms of self-expression are a critical aspect of human flourishing and an essential tool in understanding and sharing truth

The founding members of SoundMind share decades of frontline entertainment industry experience among us, have worn many different industry hats, including director, editor, composer, music supervisor, writer, and broadcast journalist, and have contributed their skills to every type of media, from feature films to documentaries, from commercials to limited series. They have created SoundMind as an umbrella production company for member creatives who wish to retain a level of privacy, allowing them a platform to freely create without fear of harmful pushback from those who may find our shared ideas challenging.  Cancel Culture is, sadly, a real phenomenon in today’s world and SoundMInd vehemently opposes this trend and has established their group as a protective space where member artists of all kinds can share perspectives and ideas that may at times run counter to the mainstream, “acceptable” narrative.

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More Info:
Tatiana Moroz –
SoundMind Creative Group –

Friends and Sponsors of the Show:
Proof of Love –
Crypto Media Hub –
Global Crypto Advisors –

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