Libertarian Party Candidate for Vice President Spike Cohen

TTS 264 Libertarian Party Candidate for Vice President Spike Cohen

"We're in it to win."  Tatiana sits down with Libertarian Party nominee for Vice President Spike Cohen in this episode of The Tatiana Show and he holds nothing back in explaining why he and Presidential nominee Jo Jorgensen are the answer to the country's two-party woes.

Tatiana sits down with Libertarian Party nominee for Vice President Spike Cohen in this episode of The Tatiana Show and he holds nothing back in explaining why he and Presidential nominee Jo Jorgensen are the answer to the country’s two-party woes.

“We’re in it to win.” 

Tatiana sits down with Libertarian Party nominee for Vice President Spike Cohen in this episode of The Tatiana Show and he holds nothing back in explaining why he and Presidential nominee Jo Jorgensen are the answer to the country’s two-party woes.

Spike recounts his evolution from young neo-con to liberty-lover and shares how his initial dislike of Ron Paul grew to admiration of his position on foreign intervention and fiscal responsibility. Ultimately, leading him to sell the business he built to pursue spreading liberty full time and running for the VP nomination in the Libertarian Party. 

Spike’s reading list is one that every libertarian will recognize: Bastiat, Spooner, Hayek, Von Mises, Rothbard, and more. His articulate explanation of his positions on things like handling social media censorship, the mainstream media, and what libertarians everywhere will get out of this election are enough to get Tatiana excited about November.

Tatiana and Cohen cover issues ranging from police brutality and qualified immunity to the drug war to the Fed’s interference in markets and government overreach in every area of Americans’ lives, and how the Libertarian Party has faced an uphill battle to get access to debates and media, but that they are meeting those challenges and exceeding their expectations. 

Make sure to check out The Tatiana Show interview with his running mate, Jo Jorgensen.

About the Guest:
Jeremy “Spike” Cohen is the Libertarian Party’s 2020 Vice-presidential nominee, running with Dr. Jo Jorgensen, the LP’s presidential nominee. He promotes a vision of common-sense Libertarian solutions that will make us all more free, safe, and prosperous.

Cohen started a web design company in 1999.  He retired from that 3 years ago to promote libertarian ideas full time. His great aim is to make people more familiar with voluntary solutions and property rights.

He is the host of My Fellow Americans, the co-host of The Muddied Waters of Freedom, and the co-owner of Muddied Waters Media, a podcast platform that reaches millions.

Cohen hosts two live programs every week, interacting with countless people across the political spectrum. This experience has convinced him more than ever that the Democrats and Republicans have both failed us. 

He believes Dr. Jo Jorgensen is the right person to counter Trump and Biden. He hopes to work with her to end wars, free the innocent, and end the infringements that impede voluntary problem-solving. He brings over 20 years of experience in leadership positions to complement Dr. Jorgensen’s knowledge and talents.

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More Info:
Tatiana Moroz
Jo Jorgensen for President
Follow Spike on Twitter
Muddied Waters Media
Libertarian Party

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Proof of Love
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