Peeling Back the Layers with Isabela Bagueros of the Tor Project

TTS 262 Peeling Back the Layers with Isabela Bagueros of the Tor Project

Josh and Tatiana are spending this episode of The Tatiana Show focused on privacy and they welcome Isabela Bagueros, Executive Director of the Tor Project to explain why privacy on the internet is important. Isabela recounts how she first came to use the Tor browser and then began working for the Tor Project, eventually becoming its Executive Director.

Josh and Tatiana are spending this episode of The Tatiana Show focused on privacy and they welcome Isabela Bagueros, Executive Director of the Tor Project to explain why privacy on the internet is important.

Isabela recounts how she first came to use the Tor browser and then began working for the Tor Project, eventually becoming its Executive Director. She also, very simply, likens the layers of encryption applied when connected to Tor to the layers of an onion… hence, the Onion Router.

Previously, Tor users were able to use the browser to visit the web anonymously. The latest Tor project,  the open-source OnionShare, now allows users to offer and exchange content with the same encrypted protection.

Isabela also addresses the term “dark web,” and explains that there is no such thing…at least, not as it exists in the imagination of people who are not familiar with how internet infrastructure works. What most people think of is the “dark web” is really just the “unindexed web.”  What Tor offers is not a doorway to some secret part of the internet, but privacy, security, and a way to circumvent censorship across the entire public internet and the network of unindexed sites and Onion servers.

This is a must-hear episode for a concise explanation of how Tor works, why you need it, and how far it has come in providing security and privacy and where it goes from here.

Remember: there is no dark web. There is only Tor.

About the Guest:
Isabela Bagueros is the Executive Director of the Tor Project since November 2018. She joined the Tor Project as Project Manager in 2015, after working as Product Manager for International and Growth at Twitter for four years. Isabela has been part of the free software community since the late 90s, and in 2007 she co-founded and worked as Latin

America Project Manager for North by South, a startup from San Francisco focused on free software projects. Isabela was also part of Brazil’s Federal Government Free Software initiative, working in 2005 on the Ministry of Communications digital inclusion project and participating in 2006 on a project to migrate the IT of the Presidential Palace of Brazil to free software.

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More Info:
Tor Project
New Tor Browser Release
Tatiana Moroz

Friends and Sponsors of the Show:
Proof of Love
Crypto Media Hub

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