Securing Your Crypto with Ron Stoner

Securing Your Crypto with Ron Stoner - The Tatiana Show Ep. 292

Ron Stoner began his IT career as a "grey hat" hacker, toeing the line between security tester and data thief. But in the wake of 9/11, he left his outlaw days behind and dedicated his career to making your life safe from the criminals who want to steal your money and your identity.

Hacker-turned-security consultant Ron Stoner joins the program to talk about the best ways to secure your most sensitive data!

Ron Stoner began his IT career as a “grey hat” hacker, toeing the line between security tester and data thief. But in the wake of 9/11, he left his outlaw days behind and dedicated his career to making your life safe from the criminals who want to steal your money and your identity. Today, he joins Tatiana with some fantastic tips about how to keep your crypto accounts and devices secure, which services to use, and some of the best practices to help you avoid being another victim.

About the Guest:
Ron Stoner is the Head of Security at Bitcoin custody provider Casa. Ron has had multiple contributions to the cryptocurrency space, including curating the CryptoCurrency Security Standard Auditor (CCSSA) exam, speaking and administering educational workshops, and helping to organize the Blockchain Village at the DEF CON hacker conference. Prior to his time at Casa, Ron worked a variety of positions in the industry providing security, audit, and penetration testing services.

CLICK HERE to learn more about how Casa can help keep your Bitcoin secure!

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More Info:
Tatiana Moroz –
Crypto Media Hub –
Vaultoro –
Casa –

Friends and Sponsors of the Show:
Proof of Love –
Global Crypto Advisors –

*You have been listening to the Tatiana Show. This show may contain adult content, language, and humor and is intended for mature audiences. If that’s not you, please stop listening. Nothing you hear on The Tatiana Show is intended as financial advice, legal advice, or really, anything other than entertainment. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Oh, and if you’re hearing us on an affiliate network, the ideas and views expressed on this show are not necessarily those of the network you are listening on, or of any sponsors or any affiliate products you may hear about on the show.

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