Smart Ideas About the Future of Investing with Aaron Tilton

Smart Ideas About the Future of Investing with Aaron Tilton

Former Utah State House representative and entrepreneur Aaron Tilton saw that cryptocurrency was going to be the financial tool of tomorrow years ago. He started an energy company dedicated to helping crypto miners find cheap and reliable energy to run the backbone of the blockchain.

SmartFi CEO Aaron Tilton joins Tatiana to talk all about the company's newly-launched, state-of-the-art crypto investing & trading platform.

Former Utah State House representative and entrepreneur Aaron Tilton saw that cryptocurrency was going to be the financial tool of tomorrow years ago. He started an energy company dedicated to helping crypto miners find cheap and reliable energy to run the backbone of the blockchain. Now, he and his team have a new, bleeding-edge project: SmartFi, an all-in-one investing, trading, swapping & lending platform that’s designed to make using crypto as the basis for your finances as easy, secure and reliable as possible. Today, he joins Tatiana to talk all about where SmartFi came from, where it’s going, and why you should be signing up.

About the Guest:
Aaron is President, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Blue Castle Holdings, Inc. the parent corporation of Power Block Coin, LLC.  Blue Castle Holdings formed Power Block Coin, LLC in response to the growing demand for electricity in the cryptocurrency mining market in 2017. Power Block Coin also responded to the cryptocurrency market demand for loans by becoming a non-bank lender in 2018.

After founding Blue Castle Holdings, Aaron has overseen the acquisition, development of all assets and political strategies for the developments of a new two-unit nuclear power plant project.

Previous to founding Blue Castle Holdings he developed and negotiated offtake and power purchase agreements with municipal and investor owned utilities throughout the Southwest for two new power projects in the region. Aaron advised a venture capital firm on state regulatory matters for a first of a kind online pharmacy that utilized an online medical consultation. He has broad experience in pharmacy automation software and hardware solutions.

Aaron is a former Utah State Representative, having originally been appointed to the seat by Governor Walker when it was prematurely vacated. He was formally elected to the position in 2004, and again re-elected in 2006. Aaron served on the following committees,

  • House Public Utilities and Technology Committee (Vice Chair)
  • House Retirement and Independent Entities Committee (Vice Chair)
  • Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee
  • Interim Revenue and Taxation Committee
  • Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee

Aaron is a Utah native where he lives with his family. He is active in his church and loves to ride Motocross with his son.

More Info:
Tatiana Moroz –
Crypto Media Hub –
SmartFi –

Friends and Sponsors of the Show:
Proof of Love –
Global Crypto Advisors –

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