The Pending Patent Problem with Stephan Kinsella & Jed Grant of the Open Crypto Alliance

The Pending Patent Problem with Stephan Kinsella & Jed Grant of the Open Crypto Alliance - The Tatiana Show Ep. 296

Patents help protect the intellectual property of inventors and creators, but on occasion those same creators choose to make their works available to everyone, free of charge. Unfortunately, some predatory entities, known as patent trolls, prey on the users of these technologies through the civil courts. Their latest target?

Learn how the Open Crypto Alliance is fighting against patent trolls to keep the crypto and blockchain community open and free!

Patents help protect the intellectual property of inventors and creators, but on occasion those same creators choose to make their works available to everyone, free of charge. Unfortunately, some predatory entities, known as patent trolls, prey on the users of these technologies through the civil courts. Their latest target? Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, which is why blockchain industry leaders and legal experts – including today’s guests, Stephan Kinsella & Jed Grant – have come together to form the Open Crypto Alliance, a group dedicated to preserving cryptocurrency & bitcoin technology’s open-source origins.

About the Guests:
(Norman) Stephan Kinsella is an attorney and libertarian writer in Houston. He was previously General Counsel for Applied Optoelectronics, Inc., a partner with Duane Morris, and adjunct law professor at South Texas College of Law. A registered patent attorney and former adjunct professor at South Texas College of Law, he received an LL.M. (international business law) from King’s College London-University of London, a JD from the Paul M. Hebert Law Center at LSU, and BSEE and MSEE degrees from LSU.

He has spoken, lectured and published widely on both legal topics, including intellectual property law and international law, and also on various areas of libertarian legal theory. Libertarian-related publications include Property, Freedom, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe (co-editor, with Jörg Guido Hülsmann, Mises Institute, 2009); Against Intellectual Property (Mises Institute, 2008); and Law in a Libertarian World: Legal Foundations of a Free Society (Papinian Press, 2021). Forthcoming works include Copy This Book: The Case for Abolishing Intellectual Property (Papinian Press, 2022).

Kinsella’s legal publications include International Investment, Political Risk, and Dispute Resolution: A Practitioner’s Guide (Oxford, 2020); Online Contract Formation (Oceana, 2004); Trademark Practice and Forms (Oxford & West/Thomson Reuters 2001–2013); World Online Business Law (Oxford, 2003–2011); Digest of Commercial Laws of the World (Oxford, 1998-2013); Protecting Foreign Investment Under International Law: Legal Aspects of Political Risk (Oceana Publications, 1997); and Louisiana Civil Law Dictionary (Quid Pro Books, 2011).

Kinsella is a co-founder and member of the Advisory Council for the Open Crypto Alliance (2020–), a member of the Editorial Board of Reason Papers (2009–), a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Molinari Review (2014–), a member of the Advisory Board of the Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield) series Capitalist Thought: Studies in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (2013–), Founder and Director of the Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom (2010–present), and legal advisor to LBRY (2015–). Previously, he was Founder and Executive Editor of Libertarian Papers (2009–2018), a Senior Fellow for the Ludwig von Mises Institute (2009–2013), a member of the Advisory Council of the Government Waste and Over-regulation Council of the Our America Initiative (2014–2017), Book Review Editor of the Journal of Libertarian Studies (Mises Institute, 2000–2004), a member of the Editorial Board of The Journal of Peace, Prosperity & Freedom (Liberty Australia, 2012–2016), a member of the Advisory Panel of the Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS) (2009–2012), and served as Chair of the Computer Law Subcommittee of the Federalist Society’s Intellectual Property Practice Group.


Jed Grant is a creative entrepreneur and consummate technology, security and finance professional. Currently he occupies several professional and pro-bono mandates. In addition to his founding and leadership role in KYC3, he is also a founding partner of the boutique intelligence consulting firm Sandstone SA.

He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Luxembourg, School of Finance, where he teaches compliance for the Masters in Wealth Management and Executive MWM Programs. For his pro-bono efforts, he is a founding member, board and executive vice-chair of The Institute for Global Financial Integrity, a thought leadership forum on issues related to integrity and ethics in finance. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Chamber of

Commerce, Luxembourg and chairs its New Business and Entrepreneur Committee.

Jed holds an MBA from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland and studied computer science at the University of California Santa Barbara, in addition to spending a year abroad as a student at the American College of Switzerland in Leysin, CH. In addition to his native Ireland and United States, he has lived in Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic, France, Luxembourg and Switzerland for extended periods throughout his career.

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More Info:
Tatiana Moroz –
Crypto Media Hub –
Vaultoro –
Open Crypto Alliance –
KYC3 –
Stephen Kinsella –

Friends and Sponsors of the Show:
Proof of Love –
Global Crypto Advisors –

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